Welcome to the Decaf menu of The Word Percolator. We want you to sleep tonight so this is a mild and "easy-listening" environment. Please get comfortable.
Now, let's get you a cup of coffee and get you on your way. I am interested to hear about your relationship with Him...knowing "about" Him and "knowing" Him are so different.
I know you may have to run, but please come back soon...I have some real life experiences I want to share with you.
Fai-Word: Fai-Word Decaf with free tidbit (9/98) Pere Decaf: A mix of Fai-Word with a parental flavor (9/98) Cracked Bean Decaf: Sorry the cup is broken - it'll taste better as a result (10/98) Virtuous Brew: Add a little to your life (12/98) The Camping Trip-(11/99) The Humble Sponge-(02/00) The Word is Out-(02/00) Overpowered-(03/02) |
Again, we want you to know you are welcome here. We hope that in a small way we can change your day, focus your thoughts, and perhaps help you to be a better person. Enjoy a cup of decaf and simply relax.
Home-made Brew: Best sipped with a family member (9/98) Past The Wishing: Song lyrics by Sara Groves (9/98) Awakening: Song lyrics by Sara Groves (9/98) Think About It: Just a Thought (12/98) Fireside Cafe: A Personal Testimony (12/98) Can You Believe It?-(02/00) Lakeside Cafe-(04/03) |